Junior Bantam
Age Range
Ages 13 and 14 years old
Ages 13 and 14 years old
Game Play
- 15 minute quarters – running time; except for the last 2 minutes of the 2nd and 4th quarters, rulebook time per the Canadian Amateur Tackle Football Rulebook pg. 4 & 5
- All special teams in effect, starting line of scrimmage determined by kick-off return.
Coaches On Field
One Coach allowed on the playing field during play for the first 3 weeks. The coach shall not run with the play or provide instructions once the quarterback instructs the team to set. The coach must remain 15 yards behind the line of scrimmage after the QB begins his cadence. A bench warning well be assessed if this is not adhered to.
Play Clock
25 seconds will be allowed to get the ball in play. Referees will give the offensive team a 10-second warning when the play clock is winding down.
10 minutes
Each team will be allowed two timeouts per half. Only a player on the field or the Head Coach may request a timeout. If a coach calls a third time out, at the referee’s discretion he may penalize the team of 5 yards with the down repeated.
- Touch down: 6 points
- Rouge: 1 point
- Safety Touch: 2 points
- Field Goals – 3 points for a field goal, snap required. On field goals the centre/snapper is off limits – defence cannot initiate a hit on the centre/snapper, regardless of the outcome of the play (i.e. fumbled snap, fake kick, etc.), unless the centre initiates contact. Hitting the centre/snapper will result in a 15-yard penalty and a first down for the offence
- Extra Point – 1 point for a run, 1 point for a forward pass, 2 points for a kicked convert
- Snap required on a kicked convert; line of scrimmage to be 5 yards from the uprights.
- A failed extra point resulting in an interception or fumble recovery by the defence cannot be run back for a score.
- On punts, converts, and field goal formations the centre/snapper is off limits; defence cannot line up over the centre or initiate contact on the centre/snapper. If the defence does line up over the centre or initiates contact, a 15-yard roughing penalty will be assessed.
- 12 man field size: 110 yards in length – 65 yards in width or as close as possible
- 9 man field size: 110 yards in length – 50 yards in width or as close as possible
Size 7 TDY